For anyone who doesn't know, I was a dance major. I've been taking a lot of time off of dance so I can work, because money has to take precedence right now. I had enough free time today to actually dance and It made me so happy.
I started my day by going to my school (technically my old school I guess) and helping out with the dance club meeting because I was the last president, so I'm going to be helping the new officers out for a little while. The meeting went really well, we had more people interested than ever before so that was awesome.
After the meeting I took Jesse home because he had to work and I sped back to school to get to ballet in time. I barely made it, I was running up the stairs stripping down to my dance clothes. I was really glad nobody was watching me. I got into class just as it was starting and it felt so so so good to dance.
After class, Alex (one of my best friends) took me hostage and we went to Worm's Way (not that he told me that was where we were going.). It's a garden supply store I guess, I never knew it existed. Anyway, that was fun because it killed extra time that I had and I haden't seen him in awhile.
We got back from Worm's way and we went back to the dance studio for a little bit. Then I offered to drive him back to his car because my car was closer. On the way back to my car I realized my windshield was white. As I got closer I realized there was writing on it. It was a sign that was literally taking up half of my windshield. I didn't have a camera to get a picture of it on the car, but I brought it home and took a picture of it taped to my door. This is it:
I'm pretty sure that Jesse left it there. Not my Jesse, a friend that I haven't seen in forever. It's funny because on te way to Worm's Way I was telling Alex that I saw Jesse's car and wanted to leave a note on it. That thing pretty much made my day. Now, usually, I would hate it if there was something on my windshield, but that's usually just if it's ads or flyers. Nice things from friends are ok.
After I got the sign off my window and dropped Alex off, I headed to St. Pete to run spotlight for Into The Woods, which is being put on by the St. Pete Opera. It's really a fantastic show. It runs this weekend at 7:30 all 3 nights and a matinee on Sunday at 2pm I believe. They're holding it at Shorecrest Prep which is actually a pretty cool theatre. The most exciting part of the night was when a scenic flat fell and almost landed on the bassist in the pit. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.
Now I'm glad to be home and definitely ready to sleep. I'm not looking forward to how sore my muscles are gonna be tomorrow from ballet, but I'm so glad I got to take class!
hahaha! Nice doggie drawing!