Monday, August 31, 2009

I have neglected this blog...

So I just realized today that I have been totally ignoring/neglecting this blog and I should probably write something...

Today was a terrible day..

It started with me missing my appointment that I made for me and Jesse (my fiance) to find out about joining a gym. We had vowed that we were gonna start eating healthy and join a gym (his idea, not mine), so I made appointments to find out pricing and such, and we totally blew it off because he wouldn't wake up!

After he finally woke up (literally minutes before our appointment) we went to our appointment at Hilton Garden Inn to look at it for our wedding reception. It was nice, nothing spectacular, but I really liked the coordinator and she seemed to have all the same views I had, so that was a plus. Plus it was the lowest price I've seen so far at a hotel.

Then I went to school to pick up a parking tag and switch to audit status for my dance classes, I felt super productive after that.

After school, Jesse and I decided that we were gonna see where 7th Ave would take us, so we drove and found out it went to MLK right before 75, so then we went back to the apartment and rested a while.

This is when all hell broke loose...

We left to go pick up my car from the shop (I was very excited, it's been gone for 3 days), we got about ten minutes from the apartment and I realized I didn't have the check to pay for it. We drove back to the apartment and searched everywhere when I realized it was in the truck the whole time.

So we started on our way to Clearwater (a good hour away) with just enough time to go pick up my car and for Jesse to go straight to work. We got there and Jesse's dad sayid that the guy at the service department said that it wasn't ready yet, to give them a few minutes. So we waited half an hour, drove to the service department and the guy told us to come back tomorrow!

Jesse was freaking out at this point because he had to be at work, so we started driving and he realized he needed gas. So we stopped and the first pump he tried wouldn't work, so he had to go inside and talk to the guy who told him only pump 7 works. So we wait for pump 7 and finally get gas.

As we were driving (about halfway home), the truck started overheating. We pulled into Bravo Supermarkets (which is actually really nice even though it seemed ghetto outside) and bought water to put in the truck. Jesse pops the hood and finds out he doesn't need water, he needs oil. So we went across to the gas station and got oil. We came back out with the oil and he had a flat tire and no spare. I went back in and bought fix-a-flat (which he hates) and it fixed it. I dropped him off at work and drove his truck back to the apartment (because he was already 30 minutes late).

Around his lunch break, I texted Jesse and told him I was starving, he called me back and said to meet him and his friend for dinner. I went outside and the tire was flat AGAIN! So I called him back and told him I would be starving for the night and he would need to find a way home.

So now I have no idea how I will be picking my car up tomorrow or getting to work.. it should be a very interesting day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Things Make you so Thankful

I'm so incredibly affected by this, it's almost ridiculous, and some people may think I'm crazy, but it really hit me hard...

I got a call this morning from my mother saying that Kylen (my nephew) was being transported to All Children's Hospital. He has been sick with a fever for a week, and was in another hospital, but they couldn't figure out what was going on, so they sent him to All Children's. I went straight there to see him after work, and seeing him there broke my heart, but I was affected by more than just my own nephew. I realized by looking at the walls that there are children who literally, practically live there. They had signs for cooking classes, they have a school, and all sorts of other activities. This would seem like something that is good, and it is, but it made me so sad, because I realized that the reason they have those things is that there are kids who are there all the time. Then I saw two kids, maybe twelve years old walking around downstairs holding hands with hospital bracelets, and I realized that they are probably together because of their illnesses. I wonder if they see their illnesses as such a curse, or if things like that make them able to bear it a little more because they know they wouldn't have met otherwise. I wish they would have never had to figure that out and that they could lead strong, healthy lives. It makes me so grateful for the fact that I've never had to have that experience, and that I know that my nephew will leave as soon as they figure out what's going on and make him better. It also makes me realize that you can never take anything for granted. We should be glad that we are able to live life without having to worry about doing something that's going to land us in the hospital because we don't have the immunities that other people have to fight off germs. We should be glad that we're able to go out and have fun and not worry about being sick from our medications, or being ashamed because we are missing our hair and people don't understand that it isn't because we chose to get rid of it.

It really made me look at my life and re-evalute everything that I take for granted.

Monday, August 3, 2009

So I decided I'd start a Blog

I've been a little bit wary of blogging, because when I as younger I had one and wrote every single detail of my life on it. There was a lot of drama involved with that blog. I'm over drama and I feel as though now I am much more mature and might actually have some insightful things to say in a blog. I'm kind of excited about this.