Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Things Make you so Thankful

I'm so incredibly affected by this, it's almost ridiculous, and some people may think I'm crazy, but it really hit me hard...

I got a call this morning from my mother saying that Kylen (my nephew) was being transported to All Children's Hospital. He has been sick with a fever for a week, and was in another hospital, but they couldn't figure out what was going on, so they sent him to All Children's. I went straight there to see him after work, and seeing him there broke my heart, but I was affected by more than just my own nephew. I realized by looking at the walls that there are children who literally, practically live there. They had signs for cooking classes, they have a school, and all sorts of other activities. This would seem like something that is good, and it is, but it made me so sad, because I realized that the reason they have those things is that there are kids who are there all the time. Then I saw two kids, maybe twelve years old walking around downstairs holding hands with hospital bracelets, and I realized that they are probably together because of their illnesses. I wonder if they see their illnesses as such a curse, or if things like that make them able to bear it a little more because they know they wouldn't have met otherwise. I wish they would have never had to figure that out and that they could lead strong, healthy lives. It makes me so grateful for the fact that I've never had to have that experience, and that I know that my nephew will leave as soon as they figure out what's going on and make him better. It also makes me realize that you can never take anything for granted. We should be glad that we are able to live life without having to worry about doing something that's going to land us in the hospital because we don't have the immunities that other people have to fight off germs. We should be glad that we're able to go out and have fun and not worry about being sick from our medications, or being ashamed because we are missing our hair and people don't understand that it isn't because we chose to get rid of it.

It really made me look at my life and re-evalute everything that I take for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god that almost made me cry.. i got crazy goose bumps...

    I hope the figure out whats wrong with Kylen soon!! I will pray for him!
